Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2 things...

sorry if you are receiving this twice!!!

Hi all,
I'm here to let you all know about my new project/CD of all original music that I'm looking to release in a few months.
I'm looking to self produce and release it using an online engine called KICKSTARTER.
Essentially, kickstarter allows me to become a PBS pledge drive for a month!
What that means is that anyone... ANYONE, can make a pledge to fund this project and receive an award :)
Directly below is a link to my kickstarter page, where you can watch a video that I made explaining the whole project.
Check it out:
Any pledge you can make, and any way you can spread the information around will be tremendously appreciated!

Also, I'm playing with my trio tonight at SMALLS from 11:30 - 2:00AM
with BARAK MORI on bass and JASON BROWN on drums
We will be playing a lot of music from the new CD, and as always, if you can't make it, you can watch it at:

Thank you for all of your support!

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